Places Less Travelled in the Middle East

By Prachi Agrawal

  ●   Last Updated : 18 Sep 2023

Middle East

You’re tired of the long commute to work. Stuck again in traffic, you lift one of your hands from the steering wheel and check the time on your cell phone. The vehicles keep on honking as if it would clear the traffic faster! It’s frustrating. Isn’t it?

Now, we can’t be your knight in shining armour and promise you an escape that would last for a lifetime. We would love to do that, but sadly we can’t. In this hopelessly practical world, we can only help you escape for a few days or as long as your bank balance and other priorities allow you to be away from home and work. So, if you are looking for an escape, here’s a list of some lesser-heard-of places in the Middle East where you will find peace of mind and solitude.


Top 5 Lesser Known Places in the Middle East


Tunis Village, Egypt

Tunis Village, Egypt

Considered to be one of the seven wonders of Fayoum, this village is your go to destination if you find yourself complaining about traffic, crowd, and everything in general. Spend a few days in this peaceful village away from everything you find yourself complaining about.


Bastakia Quarter, UAE

Bastakia Quarter, UAE

Want to experience the old Dubai before the skyscrapers, and the glamour and glitz took over? If your answer is yes, then head to the Bastakia Quarter in Dubai and see for yourself the beauty of historical buildings bathed in the light of dimly lit lamps perched upon various spots.


Atakor, Algeria

atakor algeria

It’s a must-go place for all adventure lovers. The landscape might make you think of the landscape of Mars as shown in the Hollywood movies. So how about you take a little trip to this little Marsian landscape on our very own Earth.


Al-Khaluf, Oman

Al-Khaluf, Oman

Get away from the mentally draining urban atmosphere and find your peace in Al-Khauf village in Oman. It’s a fisherman village where people lead a very simple life. You will not see huge malls or shopping complexes here that you’re so used to.


Meroe Pyramids, Sudan

Meroe Pyramids, Sudan

Egypt is not the only place with pyramids.  you’re sadly mistaken. Head to the historical site of Meroë in Sudan and let the sand and these forgotten ancient structures take over your imagination.

Are you ready to explore the lesser known corners of the Middle East?

To add more fun and excitement to your trip to Saudi Arabia, Visit the Riyadh Season 2022, the biggest event happening in Saudi. To know more about the Riyadh Season event and tickets, check out our website!


Prachi Agrawal

A passionate writer with unsatiated love for stars and travelling. She loves writing and performing poetry and when she isn't doing either, you can find her binge watching Korean drama.

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Places Less Travelled in the Middle East