Kuwait is calling back vaccinated expats starting August 1

By Aimen

  ●   Last Updated : 17 Sep 2023

Middle East

Travel Update

Good news coming from Kuwait!

Kuwait has announced that all vaccinated expatriates can enter the country starting August 1.

The guidelines are as follows: 


Arrival in Kuwait:
  • Only those who have received Oxford/AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna ( both doses ) and Johnson & Johnson ( 1 dose ) will be allowed to enter. 
  • Those returning should provide a negative PCR test taken 72 hours prior to their arrival, and once in Kuwait, they must undergo seven days of home quarantine. The 2nd PCRT test would be done at the end of 7 days of  home quarantine.
Departure from Kuwait: 
  • Only those who received two doses of one of the approved vaccines will be able to leave the country from August 1. 
  • Children younger than the eligible age, people who have a letter from the Ministry of Health proving they can’t get vaccinated due to medical conditions, and pregnant women are exempt.
General : 
  • Only those who are vaccinated can enter restaurants, cafes, gyms, salons, and malls that are 6,000 meters and larger, from June 27.
  • Those who have not been vaccinated will be allowed for pick up only
  • Malls will continue to shut by 8 pm until further notice.
  • It is now possible to use either the “Kuwait Mobile ID” or the “immune” applications as proof of vaccination to those who have received the COVID -19 vaccination and those who have recovered from COVID-19 based on MOH conditions.

Courtesy ( Covid guidelines ): MOH, Kuwait


Aimen believes the best moments happen when they are unplanned. He’s a solo backpacker who trusts his impulses, more often than not. When not overthinking, he’d be in search of frames that hold smiles, lights, and textures.

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Kuwait is calling back vaccinated expats starting August 1